Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Another layout photo

I made this double-page spread of some painting, gardening and building projects that we did in the months after we bought our house. The gardening and tools stickers are Creative Memories. I bought the paint brush and can die-cuts ( left side ) from a scrapbook store in Abbotsford across from SevenOaks mall. I forget the name of the store. The bolt, screw, etc. letters are from Michael's but I can't remember the brand name of them.

Honey that looks amazing! We need to get into doing the scap night when you get back.
Your pages look great! This is a kick in the butt for me to get making some pages i have been meaning to do for a while.
Thank you ladies! Andie I would love to get together as I need to organize and update the kids' school albums. I need a new album for Kyle first though. Don't have his yet.
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