Thursday, January 25, 2007
Our nephew

My sis-in-law sent me this photo yesterday of her son Joel. Joel turned 23 in November and he is a Conservation Officer at Bowron Lake Provincial Park in northern BC. It looks pretty cold there!
My 2 kids just think all of their big cousins are the coolest people ever. Joel's mom is 10 years older than T and I. Joel has an older sister and a younger brother. Our oldest nephew will be 31 on Feb. 3rd. He is the son of T's other sister.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Angel Quilt Project photo

My friend Kerry gave me this at school this morning. Isn't it cute? Kerry is sort of my neighbour and our kids go to the same school. You can kind of tell in the photo that the blue fabric is denim, it just isn't quite that dark.
The little bear pattern is freebie from DMC and it was stitched by Wilma in Prince George, BC.
I'm not sure where this will go, but most likely it will be to London, ON.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Movie day for the M family
We did something this afternoon that we have never done as a family before; went to the movies! However the "as a family part" was somewhat conditional. Weezie and I saw "Night at the Museum". It was pretty good! Since she is 8 she can totally handle movies like that. I loved Owen Wilson as usual. The old guys ( Dick Van Dyke, etc. ) were good too. T and Kaiser saw that kids cartoon about the kid on the farm with the troll-people that live underground. It's called "Arthur and the Invisibles." It was his first movie experience and T said he loved it. Kaiser has kind of a dirty-sounding laugh when he thinks something is really funny. T said that a little girl in front of them kept turning around and looking at him.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Happy Birthday Dad!
This photo was taken on Dec. 10th when we had T's birthday party. My dad ( on the left ) is eating Black Forest cake with my father-in-law.
Dad is 63 today. We'll be seeing him later. T has the office tickets for the Bruins game against Medicine Hat tonight so him and Dad are going.
Mom and Dad bought us paint and labour for Christmas. So tomorrow Dad is going to paint our downstairs bathroom Benjamin Moore's "Mellow Yellow".
Hot damn, I'm back!
Well let's see this if Beta thing actually works. I got jerked around by Blogger for a couple of weeks after attempting to change over. Then Christmas came around and I had no to time to blog anyway. I tried it on a whim today, and voila!
Now I'm off to read everyone's blog for the last month.
Now I'm off to read everyone's blog for the last month.