Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Angel Quilt Project update

As some of you know I am the head honcho for Canada Division. I was the Western Co-Ordinator up until this summer, when I took over the east for Lorrie Ramsay.

I got 2 big boxes of stuff from her a couple of weeks ago. At the time I was having an "Oh my God I have no time for that right now" moment and promptly shoved them into the guest room where there are plenty of other unpacked boxes.

This morning I went through them and sorted out what was there. I now have to put all of Lorrie's Eastern info ( stitchers and finishers names and addresses, and addresses and names of hospital contact people ) into my Works file. She also gave me a huge bag of DMC and some aida for the stitchers. There is one finished quilt, several stitched panels that need to be made into quilts, and some stuff for a craft sale. I also have her master copies of the charts. I will definitely be doing one, I just don't know when.

For those of you reading this blog who would like more info about the project, I will give you a link instead of a long-winded explanation.

I guess at some point I will have to register us as a charity? I'm not sure what that entails exactly. I will be doing some research obviously, but if anyone has done this please feel free to educate me!

Why does your pixie have a pretty rainbow umbrella and mine has a boring two-coloured (blue and green, I think) one? I need a new weatherpixie, one with a better umbrella and a winter coat.

And good luck with the Angel Project!
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